Thursday, May 27, 2010

"No one needs you, Class of 2010"

Everyone definitely needs to read this article. It makes a lot of good points about society, such as how the smug older generation likes to paint today's youths (Generation Y) as being lazy and spoiled. The criticism comes despite the fact that the older generation needs Generation Y to pay off the federal deficit as well as support the Social Security system in the coming decades. How nice of them to brand us all as a bunch of spoiled, lazy, rotten, airheaded, good-for-nothing freeloaders. And right after dumping the terrible economy on us, no less. (Maybe I'm just bitter after having been constantly belittled, ripped apart, and otherwise psychologically/emotionally eviscerated by my parents over the past year.) Anyway, enjoy the article. And then please pray for our generation.

No one needs you, Class of 2010
By Joe Queenan, The Wall Street Journal
Over the next several weeks, hundreds of thousands of Millennials will graduate from institutions of higher learning. They will celebrate for several days, perhaps longer. Then they will enter a labor force that neither wants nor needs them.
They will enter an economy where roughly 17% of people aged 20 through 24 do not have a job, and where two million college graduates are unemployed. They will enter a world where they will compete tooth and nail for jobs as waitresses, pizza delivery men, file clerks, bouncers, trainee busboys, assistant baristas, interns at bodegas.
They will console themselves with the thought that all this is but a speed bump on the road to success, that their inability to find work in a field that is even vaguely related to the discipline they trained in is only a fleeting setback.

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