Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The 5 Stages of Unemployment Grief

*All of the examples below are from personal experience (and for the most part, thoughts that occurred to me on a daily basis over the past week). Thankfully, #1 does not apply anymore.

1. Denial - "This unpaid internship was totally worth my $100k+ degree! I'm learning so incredibly much reading the latest Google News headlines 8 hours a day."

2. Anger - "The economy sucks! This is so not fair! And why do other people get cool jobs but not me? After all, I got to wear the nice little gold tassel thing at graduation, which means my GPA was higher... *pfffft* I. HATE. THIS."

3. Bargaining - "Maybe if I beg my alma mater, they will let me back in school. And then I can actually major in something useful..."

4. Depression - "Why is life so hard? I'm never going to get a job. Why me??"

5. Acceptance - N/A


  1. Denial-I just went back to school under the WIA program which was funded by the Federal Government to put people back to work with new skills. What a joke this has turned out to be. Nobody wants to hire you because you have NO experience. How am I going to get experience if no one hires me and no one will let me work for free for them. The only one that made money was the college and the company responsible for offering the course. Out or 30+ students not one person yet has been hired.

    Depression....big time-Obama ought to fund a hand out program for Prozac for all the people unemployed. Keep them down and drugged.

    Bargaining....well I can't even give my services away in this little town. I am not a loser!!!

    Anger....if I hear one more family member or friend say to me "Oh, getting laid off is the best thing that could of happened to you. You are going to find a better career!!! I am going to pull their nose and jack up their underwear!

    Acceptance- NO-I will not accept this situation any longer!!

    Thanks for letting me vent. I have been out of work for one and a half years and I am a good worker. I got every job I ever interviewed for except now. I think your next article should be on the Human Resource Managers....boy I could vent then too!!!!

  2. Hi! Thanks for reading. I too have been unemployed for over a year. I actually had to PAY to get unpaid work experience. It was one of those for-profit internship placement agencies that charged $1500 for a 3 month internship. The internship was at a large corporation, so I was hoping they would have some job openings. But in the end, the program was a complete joke. We interns had no real work to do for the entire 3 month period. On top of that, our managers clearly thought we were losers because we were PAYING to take on an internship; they enjoyed disrespecting and humiliating us with their constant criticisms and micro-managing. In the end, we interns learned to keep ourselves busy by writing useless reports (which no one read) because we were sick of getting chastised for doing nothing by the managers.

    Anyhow, I hope everything works out for you! I'm glad you're not willing to accept this situation any longer either. I'm so sick of the government doing nothing to create permanent, lasting jobs. Also, I too am tired of hearing family and friends tell me, "But on the bright side, look at all the free time you have!" No one who's employed understands how frustrating this is.

    Good luck and I hope things work out!
