Sunday, June 6, 2010

Direct Your Destiny?

A multimedia campaign has been launched directing recent college grads to What could this be about? Are we finally seeing something come out of the government stimulus package?

Nope. Instead, our friends at the Graduate Management Admission Council want all us unemployed and underemployed college grads to register for the GMAT! According to their commercials, they understand our plights; they show us how much we want to get out of our minimum-wage, crap jobs (literally, cleaning out dirty stables).

Hmm... Are the number of test takers down? I wonder why people aren't rushing to take a $250 exam during a recession? Who in their right mind wouldn't want to spend another $100k on an MBA education during a recession?? You might as well throw in a $3,000 Kaplan GMAT course. The people at Kaplan called me daily for months before I finally answered and told them to stop calling my number.

I find it hilarious that one of the GMAC's target audiences are people watching MTV reruns. They forget that even MTV viewers know the value of an MBA is more or less zilch without relevant work experience. And we all know that business school graduates were hit hard by the recession.

But sign me up anyway for the GMAT the day the $250 includes the Kaplan course!

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