Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Terrible Traffic Ticket Tuesday

Late to work again! However, the company's employee manual officially says that 9:30 is the latest you can show up, so technically...

Sigh. I got waved over for a traffic ticket this morning. The police literally stepped in front of my car and waved me aside because we were stuck at a standstill. What happened was this: all of the cars were merrily inching along as I passed through an intersection. Suddenly, the car in front of me stopped. I inched forward as much as possible and checked to make sure I wasn't stuck in the intersection. I looked back and the three cars behind me were all parked in the intersection. I figured I was safe because most of my car was out of the intersection, and I wasn't blocking any traffic. Then, I spotted two policmen staring at me intently from the side of the road. Maybe one of my lights had gone out? They walked into the middle of the jammed traffic and waved for me and the three cars behind me to pull aside. There seemed to be a moment of disagreement between them as to whether I needed to pull over or not. In the end, all three or four of us got ticketed. Wait, when had the light turned red??

This is my 4th or 5th FML moment over the past 2.5 weeks.

I really need to move to New York (City) so I'll never have to drive again.

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