Thursday, October 7, 2010

I hate life

Good thing I worked 11 hours at the office yesterday, or I might have just been fired for what happened.

Normally, when I say I'm "late", I mean I walk into the office around 9:15am. Not a big deal, especially since I work until 7pm every single day. Today I was very, very late. Traffic/commute took an unprecedented, unbelievable 2.25 hours. 2.25 hours for a one-way, morning commute!!! I could have biked the 20-something miles and gotten there faster.

While sitting in the car, I contemplated how much I hated life because of this ridiculous commute on top of already ridiculous hours. My soul is slowly dying. Death by Corporate America, fun stuff.

I seriously was about to have a complete mental breakdown/meltdown in the car. Currently: 30+ unread emails in my Outlook Inbox. I hate Outlook and Excel and life. Maybe unemployment/food stamps/homelessness wouldn't be as bad.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How is it only Tuesday??

Minor Complaint: The office is usually freezing, even when it's 95 degrees outside. Today, the heat was turned on and it was really hot. Too bad I was dressed for the cold office.

I always emails things over for approval before sending them out to the client, just to cover myself in case anything goes wrong. It seems to be not helping, because most people are too busy to go over the document with a microscope, so there's bound to be issues eventually. I guess this is one of those "all in a day's work" type of things. No point wasting more time dwelling on it.

On a positive note, today there was barely any traffic! My commute to work only took 50 minutes. 50 minutes!!

My body is so tired of the long days. SO. EXHAUSTED. My back hurts from sitting in the same exact position all day. My eyeballs feel like they're about to dry up and fall out of their sockets from staring at the computer morning to night. That's it; I'm definitely going back to school eventually. Hopefully, I will get in somewhere nearby and eventually be able to find a passion/career.

Again, everything about this job would be fine if I only liked what I'm doing. The environment, people, etc. are good.

Monday, October 4, 2010

At what point do you decide a job is just not right for you?

Another Monday. Must get used to things going wrong, because that's what work is all about.

So I had asked someone how to change something in our system and was told an incorrect procedure. Just to be safe, we decided to email headquarters to notify them of the change. Today, headquarters has come back saying that I had failed to notify them of the change because I didn't follow the correct procedure. I don't know if my email had gone ignored, or someone decided to pretend to ignore it so it'll look like they had "caught" my error. YAY!

Of course, each time the you've-screwed-up email is CC'd to a bunch of superiors. I guess I'll just constantly have to take the fall despite whatever I'm told or taught!!

I like this company and the people, but...... I'm not a good fit for the position and I want out.