Friday, July 16, 2010

I hated college

To clarify the title of this blog: I hated college because I ended up unemployed afterwards. In other words, it was a complete waste of time and money from a numbers standpoint. Had I ended up with a good, full-time job instead, I would have convinced myself that I liked college. For me, the end result overpowers everything else (because my college was ridiculously expensive and demanded too many all-nighters).  


  1. Oh my gosh that is such a cute cartoon. I am so sorry you are struggling with your employment issues. Don't feel alone...I am too!!! I would like to find some cliff notes for the aptitude tests I myself have found myself subject to of late with interviews. It is so stressful. One particular job interview I went to, they asked me to pick a phrase that would best describe me. My choices were:
    A lump of coal
    A humming generator
    A boiling tea kettle
    A soaring bird.
    Being the lofty dreamer I am, I chose the soaring bird.....I didn't get a call for the second I now feel like the lump of coal...can I change my answer!!! lol


  2. Thanks. :) Hugs to you too.

    What a strange interview question. You're comment about the lump of coal is hilarious!

    I wish I could say to an interviewer, "My short-term goal is to get this job. My long-term goal is to trade-up for a better one."
