Thursday, July 29, 2010

How to Name-Drop Your Way Into an Interview

Are you a recent college graduate with no work experience and no employment prospects? Don't worry! Follow the steps below and you'll be interviewing in no time.

*Disclaimer: This advice may not be practical for everyone. And it probably won't help you find lasting employment.

Step 1: Attend college. Take out as many loans as you need to (as long as you don't mind working as an indentured servant for the next 30 years of your life). The more loans you have to take out, the more interviewers and prospective employers will take pity on you. This doesn't mean they want to hire you, but they may decide to interview you just to satisfy their curiosity. Your tuition was HOW much?! HA! I bet you have a lot of student loans now! Oh, you want to know more about the position? Err   sorry, we're looking to hire someone with a bit more work experience.

Step 1.5:  Move back in with your parents.

Step 2:  Volunteer. Take an unpaid internship at a well-known firm. See my previous post on Negatively-Paid Internships for more information.

Step 3: Put all of the above on your resume. NEVER voluntarily mention that your internship was unpaid.

Step 4: Try to get hired for a paying, full-time job.

Step 5: Try to get a temp job, a paid internship, or another "prestigious" unpaid internship.

Step 6: Keep applying to full-time jobs. By now, you should be getting a lot of interviews. (The bigger the names on your resume, the more curious hiring managers will be and the more they will want to meet you in person. No, you are still too inexperienced for the position.)

Step 6.5: Try to get hired for a paying, full-time job.

Step 7: Repeat Steps 3 to 6 until you finally give up and just decide to apply to grad school.

Step 8: Finish grad school and go back to Step 1. Replace the word "college" with "grad school". Repeat all the steps.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. You know I went to lunch just the other day with one of my dear friends I haven't seen for a long time. Her husband is a "Medical Director" and they are very well off. She had absolutely no idea what us "unemployed" people are going through trying to find a job. No one knows unless they are going through the same situation. You on one hand are bright, young, well educated and have what some would call "an amazing future" ahead of you. (well that is what the employed people would say anyway) Me, I am old, full of experience,over qualified for everything, and heading towards the old age home. Do you think they will let me in the old age home early because no one wants to employ me???lol The down side is if and when I finally do find employment at my age, I will have already used up my 401K and will be working until I am 90 before I can really retire and travel the world!!! I realize I must start collecting my Social Security if there is any left at age 70 and I will just put it in my new 401K so I can retire at 90. Right now landing a job is like winning the lottery you have a 1 in 999,999 chance of that happening! Hey, but I am going to keep playing the game until I win.

    P.S. I just graduated at the end of May from Medical Coding and Billing....and like you I can't get hired because I have NO experience in that. How ironic...President Obama paid for me to go as part of the stimulus to put people back to work. I begged for an unpaid internship in every Doctor's office and hospital and no one wants me! The college is having another class in the fall-they seem to be the only one benefiting from this.

    What a pair we are huh????
