Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Part-time vs. Full-time

"Americans aged 18 to 29 had easily the highest underemployment rate in July of any age group, at 28.4%, including 11.8% who were unemployed and 16.6% who were employed part time but wanted full-time work. Among all U.S. adults in the workforce, a higher percentage of women than of men are underemployed."

I'm currently applying for a job that's more like this:

If I somehow get this job, should I even consider accepting?? (There's no overtime, of course, but having health insurance is tempting.) I'm hoping it's going to be no more than 60 hours at the office per week, but the industry average works out to around 80. 50 hours sounds like a dream come true.

Of course, I could just go do something else if I don't mind spending the rest of my life broke. There's always the parents' basement.


  1. Oh I feel your pain. What a cute comic strip though. I went for a job interview for a HR Administrator and am waiting for an answer for a AP/AR Director. He said that he would make the decision the week of Aug 9....let's see today is Aug 12 and I am thinking it is not good news for me!!! The reports this morning are pretty depressing. 1 in 397 homes are in foreclosure....holy smokes!!! I am hearing banks are cutting employees from full time to part time in the last couple months. I think I will turn that television off and go make some cards and stop feeling sorry for myself!!!

    P.S. is this a salary position that you work the 80 hours or more without the pay???

  2. You can imagine my surprise when I read that you are being considered for a Administrative Assistant Position at a bank! Now I really feel your pain!!! I was laid off from a position of Assistant Vice President/Branch Manager/Coordinator. In this position 80 hours a week would have been a minimum. I worked an average of 55-60 hours in the bank building itself. Then I had to add on the fact that I was on call for the branches that stayed open later-so add on 5-8 hours to that. Every Saturday I had to be available from 8-5 to answer questions and make decisions and handle problems. Then once every six weeks I had to be available 6 days from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. to cover about 30 branches. This is not counting the Community Service I had to do. I hosted several times and attended Business After Hours, built floats for parades, attended Kiwanis, Habitat for Humanity, Make a Wish, Navy League,hosted Christmas Festivities downtown, fund-raising for Relay of Life and basically worked my tush off! The bank became me and I became the bank-but I loved the 10 years I did it! So when you lose a job like that-you are lost-let me tell you. My secret to keeping it altogether as a Wife and Mother was to drag the husband and the children and get them involved. I used to kid my husband that the bank got 2 for 1 with all the things he helped me with outside in the community. So if you are hoping to go up the corporate latter in this career path-if you are not willing to go 100%-I say run as fast as you can away from this job!!!! lol Don't even look over your shoulder!!! You would think with all the contacts in the community I made that I would have found another job quickly. But as things go-when I was let go I was in the middle of a bad bout of bronchitis. The shock and stress hit me so bad that I was in and out of the Doctor's for about 9 months. My bronchial tubes collapsed and I couldn't walk from my bedroom to my kitchen without gasping for air!!! So once I got over that and things weren't to good in the employment department-I decided to go to school and change careers-and we know where that went!!! lol

    Just some food for thought.
