Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Prayer does wonders

I'm still hoping everything works out. Not to get all religious on you, but praying works wonders. It definitely picked me up from the lowest of my unemployment-lows. I promised myself (and God) that I would do a post on the benefits of prayer if things worked out. And here it is.

I pretty much gave up on the job hunt and stumbled upon my last few interviews by chance. For one of them, I had a sudden urge to browse my school's job board. Everything that has happened recently has been a miracle.

That said, I'm currently still waiting... for what, I'm not sure. One of the things that scares me the most about the "real world" is job-related stress. I'm fine with deadlines, but the constant grind and daily beating associated with some jobs/industries terrifies me. I've heard horror stories of how bad it can get: 100+ hour workweeks, the constant fear of messing up/losing your job/embarrassing your firm, hating waking up every morning, or worse, not being given the chance to wake up at all because you were pulling an all-nighter. (Excuse the poor grammar.) Fortunately, 95% of jobs aren't like that. However, due to the recession, many employers are now hinting that 40-hour weeks are a thing of the past. Going above-and-beyond the call of duty is no longer the exception   it's in the job description, literally.

I hope I have a job after all of this is done. Something that I will enjoy waking up for.

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